
Welcome home to the most authentic safariing experience you will ever encounter in Africa.

Kenya Epic Safaris

Kenya Epic Safaris is a home-grown tour company based in Nairobi subsequently we major in all matters travel across the East African region. Our main niche is wildlife safaris in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda.

We pride ourselves to provide above board services and wonderful thrilling holidays. Basically our tours encompass the imagination of every tourist who seeks an adventure in East Africa.

Kenya Safari Specialist

Main specialty at Kenya epic safaris is wildlife safaris, bespoke tours, mountain climb expeditions, adventure walks and hiking trips, beach holidays and car hire services. This en compasses prior booking of hotels, desired touristic marvels and assorted modes of transport desired by the client such as safari vans and 4×4 land cruisers jeeps.

Kenya epic safaris oversees the day to day activities that our clients wish to undertake. Simultaneously we advise them accordingly in terms of the best time to embark on different safaris. Epic game viewing experience, boat rides, balloon safaris, walking trekking adventures, air travel and putting together camping gear for mountain climbing and outdoor camping are just a few of the activities our clients rise up to while on holiday.

Safari Logistics

The team efficiently plans your safari vacation taking into account your preference in terms of accommodation, desired touristic sites and the composition of fellow tour members. Equally important the prior plans makes the safari tour packages more thrilling and appealing to the client.

Your visit to Africa will never be the same no matter how many times you travel to East Africa. The region boasts of many resources such as amazing parks and reserves that all have something unique to marvel at. Moreover the unique wildlife species and prehistoric sites that depict the history of the region make up for a magical safari adventure.

East Africa As A Tourist Destination

The immaculate white sandy beaches of Mombasa and Zanzibar offer you immense tranquility that styles for an impeccable getaway. to just relax and set your mind free into utopia. Ukunda beach has been voted several times as the best beach in Africa by the prestigious world travel awards.

We call upon you to give us the opportunity to consolidate your dream holiday tour and all that will be left on you is to sit, unwind and enjoy the best that Africa has to offer. The region is vast and a world class holiday destination. There is something for everyone and on any budget.

Kenya epic safaris understand that the best marketing tool out there is “word of mouth”. In this relation, we make sure that our services meet the desired standard and in return, we are assured of repeat clients as well as recommendations to potential clients.

Contact Kenya epic safaris today and begin the journey to your dream African vacation.

East Africa Safari Categories & Tour Services

Essential Information You Should Know About East Africa

The answer to this question largely depends on what you want to see and experience during your safari adventure. East Africa experiences two main seasons; the dry season and the wet season. Each seasn offers different opportunities for wildlife encounter.

Generally, there are two dry seasons which are most ideal for safariing. The first one begins mid-December to the end of March and the second one runs from July to October. The wet season is divided into two; the long rains which pour in the month of April and May and the short rains that begin early November to Mid-December. The dry season also coincides with the Great Wildebeest Migration, where millions of wildebeest and zebras cross the plains of Serengeti to Masai Mara in search of greener pastures. This natural phenomenon is truly a sight to behold and is a must-see for any safari enthusiast. Additionally, this marks as the busiest season in the tourism calendar hence forth receiving the highest number of tourist.

On the other hand, the wet season, which runs from November to May, can also offer unique safari experiences. The landscape is lush and green during this time, providing a beautiful backdrop for wildlife photography. The wet season also brings the opportunity to see newborn animals and migratory birds returning to the region. However, the wet season also means that some roads may become impassable, and the increased vegetation can make it harder to spot animals.

Ultimately, the best time to undertake a safari in East Africa depends on your preferences and interests. Whether you want to witness the Great Migration, see the lush landscapes of the wet season, or simply enjoy the diverse wildlife that East Africa has to offer, there is no shortage of amazing safari experiences to be had in this region. Plan your safari based on what you want to see and experience, and you are sure to have an unforgettable adventure in East Africa.

Embarking on a safari adventure is an exciting and unforgettable experience, but it’s essential to be well prepared in order to fully enjoy the sights and sounds of the African wilderness. Packing the right gear and essentials can make your safari trip a smooth and comfortable one. Kenya epic safaris has prepared a comprehensive list on what you should pack for your safari:

1. Clothing: Dressing appropriately is key for a safari. Opt for light, breathable clothing in neutral colors to blend in with the surroundings. Pack a mix of long-sleeved shirts, pants, and shorts to protect yourself from the sun and insect bites. Don’t forget to pack a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, and a light jacket for cooler evenings.

2. Footwear: Comfortable, closed-toe shoes are a must for walking safaris. Pack sturdy hiking boots or sneakers that provide good support and protection from thorns and rocks. Flip flops or sandals can be handy for relaxing in camp.

3. Safari Gear: Binoculars are essential for spotting wildlife from a distance. A good camera with a zoom lens will also come in handy for capturing those memorable moments. Don’t forget to pack extra batteries and memory cards.

4. Toiletries: Pack the essentials such as sunscreen, insect repellent, lip balm, hand sanitizer, and any medications you may need. Opt for biodegradable soaps and shampoos to minimize your impact on the environment.

5. Hiking Accessories: Pack a headlamp or flashlight for navigating in the dark, a multi-tool for unexpected situations, and a reusable water bottle to stay hydrated.

6. Personal Items: Don’t forget to pack your passport, travel insurance documents, and any necessary visas for your destination. It’s also a good idea to pack a small backpack or daypack for carrying your essentials during activities.

Remember to pack light and only bring what you need for your safari adventure. Most safari lodges and camps provide laundry services, so you can easily refresh your clothing during your trip. By packing smart and being prepared, you’ll be able to fully immerse yourself in the beauty of the East African wilderness and create lasting memories on your safari.

East Africa is known for its diverse climate and weather conditions, with the region experiencing a range of climates from equatorial to arid. The weather conditions in East Africa are influenced by factors such as altitude, proximity to the coast, and the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ).

In general, East Africa can be divided into four main climate zones: the equatorial zone, the tropical zone, the arid zone, and the highland zone. The equatorial zone, which includes countries like Kenya and Uganda, experiences a hot and humid climate with rainfall throughout the year. The tropical zone, which covers countries like Tanzania and Rwanda, has distinct wet and dry seasons, with heavy rainfall during the wet season and dry conditions during the dry season.

The arid zone, which includes countries like Somalia and parts of Kenya, experiences hot and dry conditions with very little rainfall. The highland zone, which includes countries like Ethiopia and parts of Kenya, has cooler temperatures due to its higher elevation, with rainfall occurring mainly during the wet season.

The weather conditions in East Africa can be unpredictable, with the region experiencing extreme weather events such as droughts, floods, and cyclones. The ITCZ plays a significant role in the region’s weather patterns, bringing rainfall to countries like Kenya, Somalia, and Tanzania during the wet season.

Overall, the weather conditions in East Africa vary greatly from one region to another, making it essential for residents and travelers to be prepared for a range of weather conditions. Whether you’re exploring the Masai Mara plains or relaxing on the beaches of Zanzibar, it’s important to stay informed about the weather conditions in East Africa to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

East Africa, consisting of countries such as Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda, has long been a popular destination for travelers seeking adventure, wildlife, and cultural experiences. However, safety concerns have often been raised regarding this region due to political instability, high crime rates, and health risks such as malaria and other tropical diseases.

While it is true that East Africa has faced its share of challenges in the past, the situation has improved significantly in recent years. Many of the countries in the region have taken steps to enhance security measures and improve infrastructure to attract tourists. In fact, tourism plays a crucial role in the economy of these countries, and efforts have been made to ensure the safety and well-being of visitors.

When it comes to safety, it is important for travelers to exercise caution and be aware of their surroundings at all times. Kenya epic safaris recommends you research the destination beforehand, stay in reputable accommodations, avoid walking alone at night, and be cautious of petty theft. It is also advised to take necessary health precautions, such as getting vaccinated and taking anti-malarial medication.

Overall, East Africa can be a safe and rewarding destination for travelers who take necessary precautions and exercise common sense. The region offers stunning landscapes, diverse wildlife, vibrant cultures, and warm hospitality. By being mindful of safety concerns and staying informed, visitors can enjoy a memorable and enriching experience in East Africa.

Traveling to different parts of the world can be an exciting and enriching experience. However, it is important to ensure that you are adequately prepared in terms of your health before embarking on your journey. One crucial aspect that travelers often overlook is the necessary vaccinations and health requirements that may be needed depending on the destination.

It is essential to research and understand the specific health requirements for the country or region you plan to visit. Some countries may have mandatory vaccination requirements, while others may recommend certain vaccinations based on the prevalent diseases in that area. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare provider or travel clinic well in advance of your trip to receive personalized guidance on the necessary vaccinations.

Common vaccinations that are often recommended for international travel include those for diseases such as Hepatitis A and B, Typhoid, Yellow Fever, and Malaria. These vaccinations not only protect you from potentially serious illnesses but also help prevent the spread of diseases to others. In some cases, proof of vaccination may be required for entry into certain countries, so it is essential to carry your vaccination record or certificate with you.

In addition to vaccinations, travelers should also consider other health requirements before their trip. It is advisable to be up to date with routine vaccinations such as measles, mumps, rubella (MMR), diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP), and influenza. It is also important to ensure that you have an adequate supply of any prescription medications you may need while traveling.

Furthermore, travelers should also be aware of the health risks associated with their destination. This may include issues such as altitude sickness, food and waterborne illnesses, insect-borne diseases, and exposure to extreme temperatures. Taking necessary precautions such as drinking bottled water, using insect repellent, and staying up to date on local health advisories can help minimize these risks.

In conclusion, ensuring that you are in good health and adequately vaccinated before traveling is crucial for a safe and enjoyable experience. By consulting with a healthcare provider, travel clinic or Kenya epic safaris, researching the specific health requirements of your destination, and taking necessary precautions, you can help protect yourself and others from potential health risks while abroad. Remember, prevention is key when it comes to maintaining your health while traveling.

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