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Nairobi Business Travel

Nairobi Business Travel


Kenya epic safaris offers Nairobi business travel services which include securing conference facilities, accommodation, transportation and leisure activities. Kenya’s strategic gains economically and political stability have opened up the country as a business hub there by promoting business travel in Nairobi and Kenya at large .

Over the past six years there has been extensive investments made by the Kenyan Government to create a business friendly environment. The investments have culminated in expansion and re-carpeting of major roads as well as construction of the Nairobi expressway easing traffic snarl ups within the city. The Jomo Kenyatta International Airport has been renovated and expanded to a more modern airport that can handle more traffic.

Kenya a young African country.

The port of Mombasa which serves most East African countries is also in the process of being expanded so as to handle more traffic in terms of cargo. The ICT industry has received a boost due to the arrival of cyber optic cable and thus Kenya has been connected to the rest of the world. This has eased communication in terms of cost and accessibility.

The private sector has not been left behind, modern hotels have been put up in the most serene environment. All these efforts are being made to ensure investor confidence with Kenya as a business hub.

Corporate Conference Facilities 

Kenya is well known for hosting major conferences and meetings of high stature at Kenyatta International Conference Center. Most hotels and lodges in Kenya have conference facilities such as board rooms and halls fully furnished with conference equipment like PA systems, projectors and writing materials.

The idea of work and play can be incorporated where instead of holding meetings in the hustle and bustle of the city, one can travel to a park or reserve of choice, work during the day and in the evening do a game drive as one enjoys nature thus elevating productivity.

Business Travel Accommodation

For the business traveler who is only in Kenya for a couple days, Nairobi has many hotels of different stature to suit one’s budget. Accommodation prices are based on bed and breakfast meal plan. For a comprehensive list of major hotels and pricing of the same contact us for a real time quote.

Other Services

We do hotels booking as well as organizing conference facilities where needed. For transport we do airport transfer and car hire/leasing services, chauffeur driven or self drive. For travelers who may have time to spare we organize short excursions within the city and towns around the city. If a client has more time to spare, we organize short and long lodge and camping Safaris. Kindly contact us for more information or for a quote.

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