
Welcome home to the most authentic safariing experience you will ever encounter in Africa.

Mombasa Camping Safari

Mombasa Camping Safari


Discover Kenya’s top wildlife parks as you undertake the best Mombasa camping safari package touring Tsavo west & east for a span of three days. We organize daily departures from Mombasa with a minimum of two pax and a maximum of six pax in the group. We also craft private safaris on request for families, friends or colleagues.

Budget Accommodation

Our camps have beds, bedding’s, mosquito nets, flush toilets and hot water showers. We have a common dining area; where meals are served in buffet style. We also cater for special diets [Vegetarian/Vegan meals].

Transport Logistics

Transport and game drives are facilitated by 4×4 safari vehicles that are customized for the ultimate safariing experience. The vans / jeeps are accessorized with pop up roofs ideal for game viewing, hifi radio communication gadgets and comfortable seats. 

Budget Safari Escapade

While on your Mombasa camping safari you will enjoy the services of our experienced driver guides who have enormous knowledge on wildlife as well as different sceneries you will be visiting.

The thrill of touring various wildlife  gems is an adventure that should be on every tourist’s bucket list. Our Kenya camping vacay gives you the opportunity to experience first hand the diversity in terms of culture as you socialize with the locals as well as epic game viewing encounters in this premium park.

Call To Action

Contact us today and embark on the best Mombasa budget camping safari package that meets your dream vacation on an affordable tour deal. 

Take a step towards your ideal safari by getting in touch with our personnel. We will assist you with information, what to expect and guide you where necessary so as to achieve your travel goals.

Tsavo East & West Budget Camping Safari. [Itinerary]

Day One: Mombasa – Tsavo East

A representative from Kenya epic safaris will meet you at your hotel or pick you up from the airport and after briefing you he or she will hand you over to your assigned driver guide to facilitate your Mombasa camping safari.

You will be driven to Tsavo east national park by your driver guide who will keep you entertained and informed on different sceneries as you journey to your destination arriving in time for a hot delicious lunch at the campsite. After settling in the campsite; enjoy your afternoon and head out for the evening game drive.

Tsavo is a vast flat plain broken by the long length of the galana river. This is one of the areas elephants have been able to follow ancient migratory route as they have for a millennium.

Elephants of tsavo have a distinctive brick red colour shade of dust that elephants like to wallow and bath in. Tsavo East has vast amounts of diverse wildlife that can be seen, including the famous ‘big five’ consisting of lion, black rhino, cape buffalo, elephant and leopard.

The park also is also home to a great variety of bird life such as the black kite, crowned crane, lovebird and the sacred bird. Dinner and overnight at Ndololo Camp.

Day Two: Tsavo East – Tsavo West

Rise and shine to the intoxicating African sun rise. After a mouth watering breakfast embark on a morning game drive. Exit the park and travel to Tsavo west arriving the campsite in time for lunch. You will be assisted to check inn into your respective bandas and relaxing a bit head out for the evening game drive. Tsavo west which is also known as “Land of lava, Man eaters & Springs” is famous for the man eating lions that preyed on workers building the railway line to Uganda.

Tsavo is equivalent in size to Israel covering 4% of Kenya land mass. Mzima springs a wet land is so lush and green and serves as a water tower that gushes out 450 million litres of clean water every day. The walk around the banks springs of Mzima offers the opportunity to marvel at schools of hippos lazing around.

The observation Chamber sank below the waters enable tourist to view marine life. The game drive includes visit to the shetani lava flow and the five sister hills. Dinner and overnight at Ngulia Bandas.

Day Three: Tsavo West – Mombasa

Pre breakfast game drive; depart the camp by 6:30 A.M and this will give you the opportunity to view the African sunrise and you will also get the chance to spot any game species you might have missed on our previous game drives.

Return to the camp around mid morning; your full breakfast will be served and afterwards depart and journey back to Mombasa; lunch en route arriving late afternon. Drop off at your hotel or the airport where your Mombasa camping safari ends.

End of services.

  • Transport in a customized safari van with a pop up roof ideal for game viewing .
  • All park entrance fees.
  • Meals as described in the itinerary.
  • Budget accommodation.
  • Game drives and other activities as described in the itinerary.
  • Services of an English speaking driver guide.
  • Complimentary Bottled water 1 Litre per person per day.
  • All government taxes.
  • International airfares.
  • All expenditure of personal nature such as telephone calls, hard drinks, soft drinks and laundry.
  • Tips.
  • Visas.
  • Travel Insurance.

Kenya Camping Accommodation

Tsavo West accommodation includes self catering bandas, guest houses, public campsites or budget hotels near the Mtito Andei Gate.

Public campsite include Kamboyo campsite 8 km from Mtito Andei Gate, Chyulu Campsite 1 km from Chyulu Gate and Lake Jipe Campsite on the lake shore.

Tsavo East accommodation includes ndololo public campsites or budget hotels near Voi Gate.

Know Your Parks

Tsavo East National Park is one of the oldest and largest parks in Kenya covering an area of 11,747 square kilometers. The park is located near the village of Voi in the Taita-Taveta District of Coast Province and is divided into east and west sections by the A109 road and a railway.

The park borders the Chyulu Hills National Park, and the Mkomazi Game Reserve in Tanzania. The climate in this area is warm and dry. One requires a smart card to access the park and the card can be topped up at Voi gate.

Attractions of Tsavo East National Park include “The Red Elephants”. This effect is achieved from the wallowing and rolling in the galena river and spraying of the red soils of tsavo. 

Aruba Dam 
The beautiful Aruba dam located on the north bank of the seasonal Voi River, is visited by thousands of animals and a great game viewing point. 

The Mudanda Rock 
The Mudanda Rock is a 1.6 km inselberg of stratified rock that acts as a water catchment that supplies a natural dam below. It offers an excellent vantage point for the hundreds of elephants and other wildlife that come to drink during the dry season.

Yatta Plateau 
The Yatta Plateau, the world’s longest lava flow, runs along the western boundary of the park above the Athi River. Its 290 km length was formed by lava from Ol Doinyo Sabuk Mountain.

Lugard Falls
Lugard Falls, named after Frederick Lugard, is actually a series of white water rapids on the Galana River

Tsavo East has vast amounts of diverse wildlife that can be seen, including the famous ‘big five’ consisting of lion, black rhino, cape buffalo, elephant and leopard. The park also is also home to a great variety of bird life such as the black kite, crowned crane, lovebird and the sacred bird.

Tsavo West National Park covers an area of 9065 Km2 and is located South Eastern Kenya, 240 km from Nairobi or 250km from Mombasa to Mtito Andei Gate. The park has magnificent scenery, Mzima Springs, rich and varied wildlife, good road system, rhino reserve, rock climbing at Kichwa Tembo Cliffs and guided walks along the Tsavo River.

Tsavo West National Park has a variety of wildlife, such as black rhino, cape buffalo, elephant, leopard and masai lion. There are also other smaller animals that can be spotted in the park, such as the bushbaby, hippo, hartebeast, lesser kudu and masai giraffe.

Mzima springs is a natural reservoir under the chyulu hills to the north. The Chyulu range is composed of volcanic lava rock and ash, which is too porous to allow rivers to flow. Instead, rain water percolates through the rock, and may spend 25 years underground before emerging 50 kilometres away at Mzima Springs.

The spring produces 450 million liters of water in a day that serves the Tsavo eco system and some of the water serves the coastal region through a pipe. At the spring you will find schools of hippos, crocodiles, fish and water birds like cormorants. During the night hippos come out to grave and during the day they just laze in the full or half submerged.

The Shetani Lava flow, a black lava flow of 8 km long, 1.6 km wide and 5 meters deep, is the remain of volcanic eruptions which were subject of tales among local communities who named the flow “shetani” meaning evil in Kiswahili after it spewed from the earth 240 years ago. Climbing the flow is not an easy task as the thick black soil is composed of uneven chunks of solid magma.

The cave, located near the center of the outflow, has two large opening and one ancient tree is growing between them. Although the cave is only few meters long, the exit is not accessible (although it can be seen) as the place is too narrow.

The Roaring Rocks will give you magnificent panoramic views, usually only seen by the eagles and buzzards that fly around these cliffs, over the plain called Rhino valley and the Ngulia Hills (1,821 m – 5,975 ft.). The Roaring rocks, located near the Rhino Sanctuary, has been for long an observation point for the protection of black rhinoceros and the fight against poaching.

The eerie roaring rocks are named after the buzz of cicadas that inhabit them and the howl of wind that hits the bare rocks by producing a roaring sound.

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